
The Bible teaches us to hold marriage in very high regard.

First, marriage is God’s good and gracious gift to us. It is not only for the benefit of couples but also for the benefit of the whole community. The goal of marriage is fundamentally the glory and service of God. It is not primarily self-fulfillment, intimacy or the meeting of each other’s needs, as important as those may be. In marriage, God intends that husband and wife together represent him through filling the earth and being stewards of God’s creation. Filling the earth will, in most cases, include the bearing of children and the raising of a family. Being stewards of God’s creation will involve the Christian proclamation of the Gospel, establishing and extending the kingdom of God on earth and the care of God’s creation and work. 

Second, God intends marriage to be a reflection of the magnificent and beautiful union between Christ and his Church. Biblical marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman. The love between husband and wife is to be a visual expression of the love between Christ and his Church. The most important and effective thing we can do to support your marriage is to point you to Jesus Christ and His word written in the Bible. Reading Scripture will help you grow in your relationship with Christ and with each other. (Start with Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:18-25, Ephesians 5:21-6:4).

As you begin your new life together, we want to help you build the strongest possible marriage. We believe the life-long journey of marriage will help husband and wife to know Jesus Christ in a deeper way.

We are excited for you to start this beautiful adventure of covenant love together!


Going Deeper:

To learn more about weddings or other ceremonies at St. John’s, reach out to Rev. James Wagner.
