Common Prayer 2025
Printed Common Prayer Booklets are available from the church office or on Sundays throughout the year.
How do you begin and end your day?
How we start and end our day matters, and we all have rituals around these times of transition. We’ve created a prayer booklet, to help you start and end your day well, by entering into the presence of God.
The morning prayer service opens the day with this beautiful reminder from 1 John:
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
...and the night service ends the day with these words of comfort and hope:
In peace we will lie down and sleep; For you alone, Lord, make us dwell in safety.
Abide with us, Lord Jesus, For the night is at hand and the day is now past.
As the night watch looks for the morning. So do we look for you, O Christ.
Designed to be a devotional resource as we seek to abide with Jesus, the services include Scripture readings; prayers for guidance, endurance and grace; and “occasional” prayers for, among other things, the discouraged and downcast, times of suffering and weakness, and for renewal in our Church. Taking the basic pattern of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), and streamlining the content, our hope is that this booklet will enrich your prayer life by introducing you to the riches of the BCP.
Practicing Advent
Printed Advent Devotionals are available at the church office or on Sundays in the season of Advent.
The season of Advent reminds us that we live between Jesus Christ’s first coming in humility, which led him to the cross, and his second coming in glory when he will judge and make all things new.
We live in the certain hope and strength of Christ’s victory over the powers of sin and death in a sin-soaked world, that is still plagued by darkness, injustice, sickness, weariness, grief, and death. These realities stir up our restless hearts and cause us to long for the lasting rest and peace of God.
Waiting is hard! Yet, for those who are in Christ, there is unwavering assurance that all will be made well when he returns. We are called to wait, not idly, but in eager expectation.
God’s Word is rich with readings that tell of his promises and their fulfillment in Christ. We have gathered some of these readings into a resource called Practicing Advent.
This devotional has daily Scripture readings, gathered around the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. There is also a calendar to mark the days of Advent, a Spotify playlist with suggested readings for each day, and simple liturgies for morning and prayer so that you can incorporate the reading into a structured rhythm of prayer and family worship.
Practicing Lent
Lent is a season when the Church prepares to celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection at Easter.
It is a time that the Church has set aside for self-examination, repentance, self-denial, and prayerfully reading and meditating on God's Word. It is not a time for spiritual competition or self-righteousness. It is an invitation to renew our daily dependence on God through the means that he has given us to have communion with him and grow in his grace.
To help children, families, and people of all ages enter into this season, we have created a resource called Practicing Lent.
This devotional has daily readings from Matthew, Mark, and Luke and is designed for family discipleship around the table.
There is a calendar to mark the days of Lent, a Spotify playlist with suggested readings for each day, and simple liturgies for morning and evening prayer so that you can incorporate the readings into a structured rhythm of prayer and family worship.
We hope and pray these resources strengthen and equip you and your loved ones to love and serve the Lord in Lenten seasons.