This year, St. John’s is celebrating its centenary.
We will bid farewell to David and Bronwyn Short, and prepare for the arrival of a new rector. With so much happening in the life of our church (and probably in our own hearts), we want to provide a clear overview of the key updates and events.
Throughout the next 18 months, St. John’s is committed to the following pursuits:
Be one, unified Church.
Honour our historic, Anglican identity.
Deepen our reliance on God.
Trust God for a new home.
Continue reading below to learn more about the year(s) ahead of us.
From January 2025-June 2026, St. John’s Vancouver will:
Be one Church of multiple congregations, unified under the centrality of the gospel,
Honour our historic identity and reflect our distinctive place in God’s mission as Anglican Christians committed to rich liturgy, biblical authority, pastoral generosity, global and local engagement, being a training, resourcing and sending community,
Have a deepening reliance on God the Father which will lead to an increase in prayer, praise, ministry momentum, honouring the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit a growing love for one another,
Trust God to lead us to a new home reaching an increasingly diverse, densified and disconnected city and beyond with the Gospel of Christ, seeing many people come to faith, discipled to maturity and becoming faithful servants of God’s church.
For those who are new or may need a reminder, here is an overview of the process for selecting our next rector:
March 2025:
The application gathering stage of our Rector search is now complete. We have received a total of 17 applications, many of which have impressive qualifications. Our next step is to work with Bishop Dan to develop a short list of candidates. Once completed in the next 10 days or so, we will begin the interview process.
Clearly, the Bishop and the committee need your prayers. Specifically, pray that God would grant us his wisdom and discernment. Also, join us in thanking God for the candidates that have expressed interest.
In way of reminder, the search committee is comprised of Alida Garrod, Andrew Bagshaw, Ed Bowes, Jeff Greenman, Jeremy Mills, Julie Lane Gay, Kallen Fong, Kevin Unger, Krista Friebel, Louise Sourisseau, and Sean Love.
October 2024:
Upon David’s announcement of his retirement, a Rector Search Committee was formed.
The committee has developed a parish profile and job description. Click here to view.
The position has been posted in relevant locations. Please feel free to share this with anyone you believe may be interested.
The committee will be accepting applications until February 15, 2025, after which shortlisted candidates will begin the interview process.
Celebrating our 100th anniversary is not just a milestone, but a testament to God’s faithfulness in His mission in Vancouver. We know that our history includes both moments of great joy and times of heartache.
So, in the coming months, we want to create opportunities for every generation at St. John’s to reflect, give thanks, lament, and rejoice. These will be opportunities to strengthen our faith in God, renew our hope in Christ, and deepen our unity in the Holy Spirit.
Here are the key events:
February 10 & April 7 – Special Parish Prayer Meetings: The first prayer meeting will provide space to grieve—both for the current transition as we say goodbye to David and Bron, and for any historical pain connected to the Anglican crisis. The second prayer meeting will focus on entrusting the future of St. John’s into God’s safe hands.
February 24 – Special Vestry: In this meeting, we will reflect on God’s work in the past year within the context of the last 100 years of ministry at St. John’s.
March 2 – Vestry Recap Lunch: This lunch will follow the 10 a.m. service and is designed for those who were unable to attend the Vestry meeting the previous week (like families with young children). There will not be any voting at this event, but David will share a ministry reflection.
May 25 – David’s Farewell Sermon: David will preach for the final time at St. John’s as rector, at all three services. There will be a reception after the 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. services.
April 5 — Women’s Brunch with Bron: A special opportunity for the women of our community to hear Bron preach and enjoy a meal together.
June 14 – Centennial Gala: This ticketed event will feature dinner, entertainment, and speeches. A link to purchase tickets will be available soon.
June 15 – Homecoming Sunday: To celebrate and say goodbye to David and Bron on their last Sunday, there will be a special Bach Cantata at the 10 a.m. and Steve James will help lead the music at 6 p.m. service.
July 6 – Parish Picnic: All ages are welcome to this special farewell event for Bronwyn Short.
September 26-28 – Our Parish Retreat: This will be an important opportunity for our entire church family to rest, play, and grow through Bible teaching, worship, and fellowship.
Note: Additional events may be added, so please check our events page regularly for updates.
Collects for a Season of Transition
Almighty God, whose faithfulness is from generation to generation: We praise you for your goodness over the last 100 years, and ask for your grace for the next 18 months. Deepen our confidence in and reliance upon you, strengthen our unity in you, increase our joy in you, keep us faithful to the ministry and mission we have received from you, and provide a home where we can worship and serve you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lord, who has caused your light to shine in our hearts: Give us grace and guidance for the journey ahead. We beg you to make us one church united under the gospel, reaching Vancouver with the gospel, discipling people in the gospel, and trusting you for a new home in which to celebrate and share the gospel. Shape our hearts, establish your purposes among us, and keep us firm in the hope that you have set before us; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.
Please join us in praying for the following:
That we would encourage and support one another, particularly those who are struggling with the transition.
For the committees involved in the rector search and the centennial celebrations.
To praise God for His faithfulness over the last century.
That we would look to the future with confidence, trusting in God’s plans for St. John’s.
For a permanent church home, and for the Lord to help us continuously look to Him as we appreciate the immensity of this task.
For the upcoming Special Vestry meeting, that it would be a time of reflection and unity.
For David, Bron, and the new rector as they navigate these transitions.
That we would be unified as a community, working together to build a strong future for St. John’s.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of the ministers, please feel free to reach out to the church office at