Catechism is a teaching and learning ministry that seeks to help people grow in the knowledge of God and live according to his revealed truth in their everyday lives.
Catechism provides a context for daily devotion and for Bible Study. It forms the big picture through an in-depth look at the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments. It offers a framework within which the Christian life makes sense.
You can expect lively discussion, systematic teaching, honest prayer, and weekly readings on central aspects of the Christian faith and life. We trust that God will form us into his image and equip us to bless others.
If you have questions, contact Ben Roberts at You can sign up for catechism this fall at the link below.
Our catechists are trained and commissioned at St. John's to lead groups through the catechism, help them understand the basics of Christian belief, and consider how this impacts their daily life. They are leading catechism courses in a variety of contexts at St. John's that include retreats, home bible study groups, Sunday morning adult education, ESL groups, and Men's bible study. The courses vary in length and scope.