Serving at St. John’s
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
It is our privilege and responsibility to serve God and his church. Have a look at just some of the opportunities we have for you to get involved in serving.
There are many ways to volunteer at St. John's, each offering opportunities to connect, to serve, and to share. To get involved fill out the form below, fill out a connect card at church, or contact Once you've contacted us, someone will be in touch with you to get you started on a team!
+ Greeting Team
Joining the greeting team is a great opportunity for new volunteers who love to make people feel welcome. It requires no special skills while providing a strong sense of family within the family, a chance to greet those coming into the services, to meet others while Serving on teams, and a regularly scheduled, easy-to-manage routine.
+ Coffee Hour Team
Coffee hour is offered after every service on Sunday and is a great time for us to gather, catch up with friends and meet new people. Our volunteers are vital to making this happen! Volunteers help make coffee, set up and clean up the area and greet people. You are welcome to serve as an individual, a family, or a bible study group.
+ Communion
Set up and Cleanup: You would be part of a group that meets once a month during the week to set up communion and then on Sunday set out and clean up the communion vessels.
Serving Communion: You would assist the clergy during the service to distribute bread and wine at communion services.
Acolytes: these people robe up and light the candles, carry the processional cross, and assist the clergy during communion services.
+ Service Leaders
Readers: Scripture is read at every service and this is an important opportunity for the congregation to hear God’s word. Readers can be grade 4 and up.
Intercessors: These people are chosen to lead the congregation as we speak to our Father in Heaven. We use both individuals and families to lead us.
+ Soup Sundays
Set Up: We need about 3-4 volunteers to help set up before service every second Sunday. This includes setting up tables, chairs, and matching sure soup is set up and labeled properly.
Soup Makers: For Soup Sundays to happen, we need people to make soup! We ask that you make enough for 8-10 people and that you properly label the ingredients in your soup for people with allergies.
*Please Note: This is an Evening Service ministry. For more information please contact Aaron Roberts at
For more information about how to get involved please contact Marion at
About these roles
Are you interested in technology? Do you have a leaning towards the creative? Are you interested in audio-visual production? Then Production is likely the place for you! SJV Prod serves on Sundays and at other ministry events to facilitate the technological side of making gatherings possible. We are always looking for more volunteers and would love for you to get involved with us! Our vision is to Serve God Well, Disciple People, and Celebrate Creativity.
Email us to learn more, and check us out on Instagram @sjvan_prod
+ Producer
The Producer helps manage the team, orient those leading the service, and manages the projector and our livestream.
+ Audio Engineer
The Audio Engineer runs audio in-house as well as on our livestream platforms.
+ Video Director
The Video Director manages all camera shots and lighting.
+ Graphics Operator
The Graphics Operator manages all the liturgy and lyrics slides as well as any media that will be used in-service.
About these roles
St. John’s is always looking for passionate worshippers with musical giftings At the Evening Service, our team is led by Emma and Leo Song-Carrillo and is composed of guitar, bass, keyboard, horn and string players. The morning service features organ-led hymns and a choir directed by Terry Fullerton and David Poon. If you want to grow as a worshipper, musician or choir member, please reach out.
+ Evening Service Musicians
If you play any of the following instruments and are interested in joining the St. John's Evening music team please reach out to Emma at for more information and next steps.
- Drummer
- Guitarist (Acoustic or Electric)
- Bass Guitar
- Piano/Synths
- Strings
- Horns
- Vocalists
+ Morning Service Choir
Music at St John's on Sunday mornings features organ-led hymns and responses, with anthems and motets offered by the choir. We love to sing together, worship with the congregation, and share our love of God and his music. Camaraderie is high; choristers often forge lasting relationships that flourish even beyond the choir! The morning service choir also provides music for special services throughout the year.
+ Morning Service Musicians
Do you play an instrument? Would you like to share your music at our Sunday morning services? We're seeking instrumentalists who could play a musical reflection during our 10 AM services.
About these roles
There are a number of different ways that you can serve with the Children's Ministry at St. John's. We have classes for children of all ages (birth-three, preschool and kindergarten, early elementary, and late elementary), so you can help lead and teach a group of children at an age where you are gifted and comfortable. If you do not have much experience in teaching or leadership, but would like to grow in that area, we can pair you with an experienced teacher and help you to develop the gifts that God has given you to serve others. If you would like to hear about more opportunities to serve the children and families at St. John's, please contact Will Gray (Director of Children's Ministry).
+ Sunday School Leader
We have classes for children of all ages (birth-three, preschool and kindergarten, early elementary, and late elementary), so you can help lead and teach a group of children at an age where you are gifted and comfortable.
+ Sunday School Training
If you do not have much experience in teaching or leadership, but would like to grow in that area, we can pair you with an experienced teacher and help you to develop the gifts that God has given you to serve others.
+ Special Events & Services
You can help plan and lead special events and services, like First Noel, Good Friday and Easter, or Bible Camp.
+ Other? Miscellaneous?
You can even help provide snacks for the children on Sunday mornings.
If you would like to hear about more opportunities to serve the children and families at St. John's, please contact Will Gray (Director of Children's Ministry).
About these roles
The mission of St. John's Youth ministry is to make lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. This happens by cultivating an environment of prayer and scripture within a community. To make this mission a reality, we need that community to come along and serve the youth as disciplers, food makers, worship team leaders and a million other jobs all with the end in mind - discipleship. So take a look to see if any of the following roles jump off the page for you, or just contact Ryan Spear or Chelsey Burtchett.
+ Small Group Leader
Disciple 4-6 students and lead them as they grow to be more like Christ. 12 hours a week. This is the most vital and needed position. We need at least 24 of these leaders!
Commitment Level: 12 hours a week
+ Occasional help
Leadership Team: Help with the vision and direction of the ministry. 2 hours a month.
Worship: Train up new Youth to play instruments and also assist in the Worship Team on Friday nights. 10 hours a month.
Admin: Come in and join the party with Steven and Kathy as they wade through mountains of admin work. Trust us. It's fun. 3 hours a month.
Prayer: Lead a parent prayer evening every week on Fridays.
Teaching: Would you like to teach or preach at Friday Nights, Sunday School or Confirmation? Up to you on time commitment.
Commitment Level: 5-12 hours a month
+ Event Help
Caterer: Make food or procure food for hungry kids, parents and or leaders. 4x a year.
Event Coordinators: Taking responsibility for an individual event such as Family Hang Outs, Family Support, Christmas Party, End of Year Party, Launch Party etc. 2x a year.
Retreats: Attending one or two retreats a year to help with logistics such as food, medic, driving, making sure kids are being generally safe etc. Entire weekend 2x a year.
Confirmation Launch Team: Join Steven, Ben and Jeremy as they begin planning for the new St. John’s Confirmation system.
If you would like to hear about more opportunities to serve the youth and families at St. John's, please contact Mark Ashworth (Director of Youth Ministry).
There are many ways to volunteer in Ekklesia, each offering opportunities to connect, to serve, and to share. To get involved please call or email Jacob Vandiver. Once you've contacted us, someone will be in touch with you to get you started on a team!
+ Ekklesia Leader
We need leaders to help disciple and facilitate small groups every Wednesday evening. As leaders we’ll also gather twice a month for pray and leadership development. The time commitment is about 3-5 hours a week.
+ Cook
Eating is an essential part of our ekklesia gatherings. If you like to cook, we could use your help! Our cooking team gathers in the kitchen at 5:00 pm each Wednesday in order to prepare food. The time commitment is about 3 hours a week.
Interested in something else?
If your gifting doesn't fit in with these listed ways, there are still many other opportunities for you to help St. John's. Are you a prayer warrior/want to be part of a prayer team after the service? Do you have a knack for organizing & doing admin work? Do you like to write? Does planning events & decorating make you excited? Are you able to drive people to church? Let us know! We'd love to figure out a way for you to use your talents at St. John's, just simply email Marion at