Current Series
Join us for this four-week series on the Cross of Christ.
Lent is a season of spiritual preparation. The church’s annual celebration of the great events of our salvation—Jesus’ death and resurrection—is on the horizon. Through prayer, fasting, and self-examination, we want to prepare our hearts to receive all God has for us in Christ.
It all begins on Ash Wednesday, where we will pray the litany, confess our sins, and put our whole confidence in God’s mercy. During the five Sundays of Lent, we will have a short sermon series on the cross of Christ. While we often talk about the centrality of the cross and sing the hymn Lift High the Cross, rarely do we pause to meditate on the cross and ask why it is good news for the world. What exactly was God doing when Jesus died? Why is Good Friday good news?
We will land on major mountain peaks of the New Testament, from John 12 to Romans 5 to 2 Corinthians 5 to Ephesians 2 and finally to Hebrews 2, unpacking the vast vision of God’s grace that comes to us through the death of Jesus. In Him our sins are judged and forgiven, we are given full salvation and proof of God’s love, we are made into a new creation, reconciled to God, and delivered from the fear of death.
In a season that can easily focus on what we should give up, we want to focus on what we have been given, with hearts fixed on the goodness and glory of Christ on the cross.
Our hope is that through this series we will glorify Christ for his work of redemption, come to a deeper understanding of why the death of Jesus is the heart of the gospel and brings freedom to our lives, be equipped to proclaim the cross of Christ faithfully and joyfully, and be made ready to praise God on Good Friday.
Holy Week at St. John’s
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